Aquasana Whole House Water Filter Aquasana Whole House Water Filter Reviews. Getting your own whole house water filter system like the Aquasana rhino is probably one of the best decisions you will ever make for you and your family's health. Water is life! Life in our universe is dependent upon having access to safe and healthy drinking water. Our planet is made up about 70-80% Water. Your body (as well as your brain) is made up of about 70-80% water as well. Without water there can be no life. Before our industrial age, the fresh water sources on this planet were fairly pristine, and we didn't have to worry about filtering our water or risk serious illness. Well, we're far past that now, and having a good water filter is no longer an option but a necessity. The quality of your life (and your family's too) is dependent upon the quality of water you have available to drink (and cook, rinse our food, wash our face with and bathe in.) Is your tap water safe? Is Tap Water Safe To Drink? Your Tap water quality varies by city and water district. Is Tap Water Safe to drink? Most “modern” communities in the US now actually add Chloramine and Fluoride to the tap water “for your health?” This is a serious health concern as Sodium Fluoride is a hazardous toxin that contrary to popular belief does not prevent tooth decay but causes dental fluorosis instead. It also causes mental disorders and brain deterioration (Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and Dementia.) This type of fluoride was placed in the concentration camps in Auschwitz to make the Jewish prisoners less likely to fight back and resist. And that is just Fluoride! What you don't know can hurt you, just watch the Great Culling movie below if …
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Tap Water Filter
Tap Water Filter You may have asked yourself whether you really need a Tap Water Filter or is it tap water ok to drink and give to your family? Some tap water can be actually decent and good. I went on a vacation to Yosemite National Park and the water coming out of the tap actually tasted quite good. It had some alkaline minerals in it (what gives water good taste) probably because of all the rocks it has been filtered through. Unfortunately, not all water is like that! Most cities tap water is not only acidic (missing the healthy minerals that make water taste good and have a healthy alkaline ph balance) but has a lot of toxins in it, some added on purpose! Sodium fluoride (not natural fluoride) is added “for your teeth.” What a joke! It lowers your IQ , jams up your pineal gland in your brain and wipes out your immune system. There is also a lot of microscopic “creepy crawlers” that pass through in your tap water. Even pristine Yosemite Water can have this problem. In other words, you need a Tap Water Filter, and you'll see which water filters work best to filter tap water for your home, office, business or even on the go, so read on! Is Tap Water Safe? Is Tap Water Safe? You may hear a report saying that tap water is safe and better than bottled water one day. Then the very next day we hear about thousands of people being poisoned by drinking tap water. So, which is the most accurate? Well, that actually depends on where you live. Some water districts are far better than others at eliminating the toxins cause illness but are still allowed in your tap water. Some, if not most in the …
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